To Have Loved Such A Dog
Gerry and I are thankful to all dogs that visit both our lives and our dog boarding kennel out in the country at Harmony Farm Kennel And Lamb, located near Kamloops, BC. We have loved dogs ever since we can remember. They are all very special in their own ways and touch us differently. Scott was one of my special friends and when he left I just had to let him go this way.
To Have Loved 'Such A Dog'...
“You need a good working dog Patricia!”, a good friend declared
Enter Scott, Border Collie 'retired' trial dog, extra-ordinaire
Strong and willful, with a reputation folks remember
It all mattered not, to his heart and soul, I'd surrender
Coal black and high gloss laquered, I loved the view
Long legs, sleek angles, white socks on fore 2
Those velvet ears, I'd stroke with “Good Boys” all of the time
While amber eyes stared straight through my heart, his thoughts became mine
His wide out drive was effortless, his trot long and true
Those sheep, he lived for, while his desire just grew
His recall was instant, training correct and on cue
Scott's “lie down” was solid, though he loathed “that'll do”
His read of our flocks was so much better than mine
I'd signal him wrong and he'd just look, tilt and decline
He'd correct me now and again, save the credit for pride
Our connection though short lived, could not be denied
Proud and noble, yet he made me laugh, he made me smile
His sheep timing and savvy just blew me away, all the while
Loyal and dedicated to his sheep first, with me a close second
Always by my side ever waiting to please, working 'sheeps', I'd reckon
Work ethic, desire and courage, he never once gave me cause
To think he was hurting or wanting a permanent pause
There I was laying with him, stroking, loving and thanking him for all that he'd cease
"How can he peacefully leave?" Gerry asked, when all that he lived for was me and to please?
But haste was his method to leave, with dignity and to give me less pain
He just wouldn't go to sleep until he was certain I was away, in refrain
I'll not know another dog quite like my Scott
I will keep him with me always and forget him? Not!
It is my honour and privilege to have known “such a dog” I will always treasure
I showed him affection and love un-sparing, while he showed me trust without measure
My respect and my love for Scotty was personal and so profound
I shall miss him each day - my gratitude, awe and appreciation abound.