Summer Heat Adjustments For Dogs At HFKL Kennel
Your dog can relax and stay cool this summer at Harmony Farm Kennel and Lamb located near Kamloops, BC. Summer heat can be hot, oppressive and dangerous for dogs, but no need to be concerned for your dog while staying at Harmony Farm Kennel as I have many protective and enjoyable measures in place to keep your pet healthy, safe, happy and comfortably cool during the summer.
Access to Water
First and foremost, all dogs staying at Harmony Farm have constant, 24/7 access to cool, fresh water in their kennel. If needed, I add ice to the dog’s water to keep it even more refreshing. The kennels at Harmony Farm have been insulated extremely well to ensure warmth for cold months and cool during the heatwaves. The laminate floors stay clean and cool, with plenty of floor insulation contributing. Adding to the floor, I will often use cold wet towels at doggy door entrances so that dogs going in and out of their private yards, will keep their paws damp and cool each time they use their door. In extreme heat, these wet towels will be dipped in cold herbal eucalyptus tincture to keep paws even more refreshed.
Air Movement and Shade
To ensure air movement, I have huge fans within the kennel alleyway to keep air moving nicely throughout the space.
Each private play yard is covered with a protective roof as well as surrounded by beautiful shading trees to protect from direct sun and create a sense of private security for each dog. There is a wooden lounging porch amidst the sawdust yard to give your dog the choice of laying on the ground or above where the almost constant summer breeze can be enjoyed. Also, if and when temperatures soar, the individual kennel play yards sawdust floor is hosed down taking every opportunity for your absorbent dog’s paws to stay damp and cool.
Daily Dog Walks in Summer Months
As for walkabouts during the summer months, I am careful to only walk in the wee hours of early mornings and after dusk in the evenings. There are many walking trails and choices for your dog to enjoy for their daily one-on-one exercise including shaded forests, tall irrigated (wet) grassy pastures, or a visit to the creek for those dogs that love the water directly. Often your dog and I will get refreshed with a little visit to play in the spraying water of the sprinklers! Once our walks are done, I have a doggie wading pool at the kennel entrance that dogs can put their feet in, to have a nice cool-down or enjoy a wet lounging soak in the shallow, cool water before returning inside to their cozy kennel.
So, if you are ever concerned about how cool your dog can be at Harmony Farm Kennel – worry no more! It’s the coolest place in town! And, more than likely, your dog is staying cooler and more comfortable overall, than you or me, during the heat of the summer!
Learn more about our accommodations, daily exercise, or other questions you might have, then book your kennel stay today!
HFKL... “a nice place to stay, while you’re away...”