Dogs Just Know...
Harmony Farm Kennel And Lamb near Kamloops BC is a 'custom care' dog boarding kennel for all dogs and we make it our focus to be 'dialed in' with all the animals we care for but, even when we don't know – your dog knows. It's uncanny how energy works, even between us and our animals. I am often humbled to realize that animals are so much more 'connected' than we are. I can't help but wonder how much more we could enjoy more effortlessly, if we could be so tuned in to energy, like the animals. Think about it. Even the flys, frogs and crickets know exactly what the weather is doing before any of our high tech monitors pick it up. Squirrels start storing, gophers bury deeper, weak animals separate, horses and hair sheep, cats and dogs all fur up when we go on wearing shorts thinking we still have lots of summer still left ...the timing of animals is impeccable.
So back to your dog at Harmony Farm Kennel. Say you get home from your time away a day or even a couple hours earlier than you are scheduled to pick up your canine true love. Perhaps you think to email or call but you are tired, with much on your mind and are excited to pick up your dog, so you just start travelling our direction without letting us know. Well it doesn't matter that you didn't call, because your dogs know and they tell us! How do we know that they know? Easy.
From our end, Gerry & I make a point to notice a surprising amount of details about each dog boarding with us. Within a very short time, we observe their regular habits, digestion, type and regularity of feces (if that includes anything else besides food!) routines, moods, preferences ...until you go and change things up!
Seemingly out of the blue, your comfortable, quiet and well behaved balanced dog might be so excited they suddenly rip up the slipper you left or their bed or shred a stuffy or greet us at their door with a teddy bear stuffed in their mouth for the first time. They might be doing airs above the ground or all of a sudden dig furiously on their hike, or take to doing twirls or loops de loops for the first time during their visit. Others might be off their food that morning or start chewing on themselves, scratching non-stop or 'singing', out of character. “Mom & Dad's on their way?” we'll comment to one another. Guaranteed, within a short time, we are happy to greet you at the door, sometimes gently shaking our head in amazement that your dog knew before we did, probably even before you did! Energy's everywhere...the tricky bit is to dial in to it, as well as our dogs.